Today Bronx Community College uses the Gould Memorial Library for office space and assemblies form time to time. Some lament its lack of use and perceive it as practically an empty shell that deserves more attention. The building has been featured in a number of recent films including Sophie’s Choice, The Thomas Crown Affair, A Beautiful Mind, Mona Lisa Smile and The Good Shepherd.

The Stanford White Doors, installed in 1921, still serve as the entrance to the library. The inscription reads, "These doors were given in memory of Stanford White, architect, by his friends."
Although the library receives less recognition when compared to White’s other achievements such as the Washington Square Arch or the Tiffany’s building, the structure is still an important part of White’s legacy. In 1919 a number of the architect’s close friends chose the Gould Memorial Library as the place to honor and dedicate a set of doors to their late friend.
Click the thumbnails below for more images of the Gould Memorial Library through the years.